Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, now people are learning that we are going to Vietnam and have made it their job to give us advice. Below are some of the recommendations we have been given:

1. Toilet Paper (REALLY????, Obviously public toilets in Vietnam leave something to be desired.)
2. Wet Wipes (Now this I think I will take. Multi-purpose)
3. Various Foods (beef jerky, peanut butter, candy) I better take some of these things or I might starve. Just the other night we ate at Mitchell's parents. They served us shredded pork. The whole time I was eating my rice (notice I did not eat the shredded pork) I was thinking yep I better stash some peanut butter away on the trip. Now I will eat most things Loc fixes, even if it is not my favorite, but I just can not handle the shredded pork.
4. Sodas (Obviously, we shouldn't drink the water, but someone suggested we take our own sodas because they taste funny over there too.)
5. Gifts (We found out last night that we will be expected to present gifts to Loc's family. This is hard because what do you get someone from Vietnam?????)

After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I will just have to charter a boat to haul everything I will need over there. Oh, and if you have any great advice, leave a comment.