Friday, July 2, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well, we finally made it home at midnight Wednesday, June 30th. We left at midnight on the 29th from Vietnam, but you must keep in mind that there is a 12 hour time difference. So, from the time we left Vietnam to the time we step into our door at home, it was 36 hours.

Our trip back home took longer than the trip there due to a 10 hour lay over in South Korea. The airlines that we flew through was very nice and gave us a free tour of Seoul, Korea.  We visited the nation's Blue House (like our White House), a Buddist temple, was served a traditional Korean meal, and taken to the city market. It was very nice of the airlines, and South Korea was very nice. I felt like I could be in any large city in the U.S.

We are still working on getting back on schedule and sleeping at the right time. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, everything will be back to normal.

Final pics and movies: